
After a long busy week, a colleague from the office came up with the idea that we could make terrariums on Friday as a stress-relief therapy. We immediately liked the idea (QA loves plants), and if you would see our office in person everything would be clear to you, but here are some pictures.


QA office is also called the Jungle office - the green office of the Base58 team. We have all kinds of plants, from Lace aloe, Good-luck palm, Arabian coffee, Croton, Maranta leuconeura, Dracaena reflexa, Snake plant, all the way to Devil's ivy which has spread over one whole side of our office. Caring for plants does not necessarily mean a lot of work. Weekly watering and transplanting every few months are enough to keep the plants healthy. I have to admit that I am proud because our plants are thriving (we did not have many plant funerals).

Perhaps the most incredible fun fact about our plants in Base58 is that we have our very-own plant whisperer Branimir, who understands and loves plants more than anyone else. He is also the initiator of the terrarium creation. 


Let's go back to that Friday and the terrariums... The day was as planned. We completed all our tasks for that day – so we spent the last working hours relaxing while making terrariums. We bought, borrowed, and stole jars for terrariums, and also bought some decorations in Tedi. Brane brought some plants from his collection, and we also harvested some plant seedlings in our office. We prepared all this in the relaxation room, and Brane explained to us what the best practices for making a terrarium are. After the theory, the practice followed. 


What I liked the most about this was the feeling of peace that overwhelmed you when you concentrated on pouring sand, pebbles, and sand with activated carbon. We mostly worked with Moss, Houseleek, Arabian coffee, and Jade plant. The workshop was great, full of laughter, fun, dirty hands, and terrariums. We made enough terrariums to fill out each office room in the firm and I hope that we will make more terrariums soon. 

If you want to make a terrarium, you will need:
 1. Moss (in which other plants are planted)
 2. Plants that love moisture
 3. Sand (any type)
 4. Activated carbon (pharmacy)
 5. Pebbles
 6. Jar with a wooden cover
 7. Chopsticks, spoon
 8. Water
 9. Some good will


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